This is the first of what I hope is many Mailbag Mondays. If you have a question, statement, comment...send it to me and I'll answer for all to hear...with your permission. Just e-mail me with #mailbag Monday as the subject.
Q: Which of the characters in your books has been your favorite?----Josh, AZ
A: Well, Josh, that's a little like asking which child is your favorite. It's really hard, almost impossible, to pick one. If you're gonna hold me over a burning fire of hot coals and insist on an answer then I'd say....hmmm.....probably Matthew Cain. I think so far it's been the most interesting character with the most interesting backstory attached to him.
Q: Mike, what happened to your release schedule dude? What happened to the book a month thing for this year? #waylate----Jeff, OH
A: LOL...I've actually been waiting for this one. Yes, I was hoping to release a book a month throughout the year. Didn't quite work out like I planned. Though, if you recall, I didn't guarantee it. Just was my goal. In my defense, I have books ready if I can find a damn cover I like for them. I have six books written, edited, ready to go. The problem? Finding covers I feel are good enough. I do not have an unlimited budget for top of the line artists ($400+), but I'm not gonna skimp and put out any old crap for a cover either. For the good news, I feel I'm getting closer. I was looking at some ideas and images earlier that I think have potential. So instead of a book a month, I'll probably wind up dropping three books at a time or something like that.
Q: Your books are mostly Thriller/Action/Crime type books. And I see your upcoming releases are more of the same. Is there going to be more romance/love stories in them than your previous works? Would you ever consider writing a romance book? Or just putting more romance into your books?----Suzanne, CA
A: I'll address these questions separately. Would I consider writing a romance book? It's not my style and doesn't interest me. Now, if some publishing company drops me an email and says we'll pay you a million dollars for a romance series, well then, who am I to say no? But there's a better chance of me growing wings and flying to Metropolis for lunch with Superman. More romance in my upcoming books? Ehhh...not really. I have 2 series dropping at some point this year...Task Force 88 series, and The Silencer series. Both have some elements of romance, but not more than anything I've already done. Sorry to disappoint you. Would I put more in at some point? I mean, maybe, I'm not saying no...wouldn't count on it, but it's unlikely it'll ever be a main point of one of my stories. I guess it'll just depend on the story and what I think is right for it.
That's all for this week. Hope you enjoyed reading. Thanks to those who sent questions in. Would love to do this every week. Really enjoyed answering them.