Saturday, May 23, 2015

Cain Series

At the end of The Cain Redemption I will be including an Authors Notes section describing my thoughts on the series. It'll basically include what happened throughout the series and why it certain things happened the way that they did. I'll also include some questions people have wondered which I'll answer. Some people have had questions about the books and I thought it'd be neat to answer them.

         example: (This was an actual question someone emailed to me)

         Did any of the characters change throughout the course of the series? Were all the characters exactly            how you imagined them when you started the series?

So if you have any questions you want answered that you'd like to include at the end of the book, let me know. I'm hoping to make this a fun little section that can kind of go behind the scenes of the book.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


As some of you may know, reviews can be critical to an author's success (or failure). Reviews, in themselves, aren't something I obsess over. But I do recognize that they can sometimes help a reader in determining whether or not they want to purchase a book, which in turn helps sales. Sales I like! :-)

Right now The Cain Conspiracy has 11 reviews on Amazon (US) with a 4 star rating. Not too bad. In an effort to get even more reviews, I am currently offering 5 free copies of The Cain Conspiracy. If you have a Kindle, I will gift you a copy. If you have Kobo, Nook, something else...I will e-mail you an EPUB version. All I ask is that you leave a review on whatever site you frequent most (Amazon, BN, Kobo, GooglePlay).

I am also making the same deal for Rogue Ghost. It just came out last month and has one review so far, though it's a good one. Same deal...5 free copies of Rogue Ghost on whatever device you're using in exchange for a review on that site.

If you're interested in either of these books, all you have to do is send me an email at and let me know which book you're interested in.


Saturday, May 16, 2015


Just passing on some interesting little tidbits. The sequel to Rogue Ghost will be released in late June...right now it's looking like June 22...but it's not set in stone yet. It will be called Ghost Pursuit. Cover's done, just got it this past week. Looks great. Just waiting for formatting to be done then it'll be all set.

I've gotten a few emails about when The Cain Redemption will be released. Current plans have it being published in September. Still have some editing issues to work out, there's no cover yet, etc. My focus right now is on getting Ghost Pursuit out. Once that's been released my full attention will go back to Redemption. I'm shooting for Sept. 1 for the release date. But that's still flexible at this point.